Wednesday, January 14, 2015

November and December recap!

November and December were packed full of family time and great memories were made!

Addi lost another tooth!

Addi and I learned how to make Granny’s famous apple pie!

We made our way to Sequim for Thanksgiving.  Unfortunately I didn’t take too many pictures, but we did enjoy some amazing food, watched the Seahawks win, the kids spent hours playing with their cousins, took the kids to a movie, and we had an adult cousins night that still makes me laugh.  It was nice to see everyone!
Annual wine tasting with great friends!

Christmas festivities!

Our little man helping decorate the tree.

An exhausting photo session to get the perfect pic!

Annual trip to see Santa and the reindeer.

Singing carols… in the tub!

Christmas Eve!

Trying out their new headphones.

Christmas at my dad’s – great food, hot tubbing and a bonfire!

Christmas at Bob & Gwen’s – Santa pancakes, bowling, and too many presents J

New Years Eve was great – we were lucky to get 4 siblings and their spouses together (and throw in my niece Kelsee since she can drink now) for a fun night of dinner, drinking and lots of laughs!
Our little man was the Soldier(so fitting) in his classroom Christmas program - he did great!


Unfortunately I didn’t take any pictures of my mom’s Christmas, but we ate her amazing breakfast spread and spent hours watching the kids play with the 5 dogs!

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